Monday, February 24, 2020

Egypt and Sumer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Egypt and Sumer - Essay Example The reference to Re (the sun, also spelled Ra) indicates a primitive understanding that both flooding and sun are necessary factors for crop growth and life, which may be why Hymn to Ra proved equally important. Hymn to Ra emphasizes the polytheistic nature of Egyptian society and provides an early account of the origins of humankind, wisdom, and love – attributing them all to Ra, the sun. Overall, both works suggest that early Egyptians were fairly united in their beliefs, collectivistic, had little understanding of natural causes (flooding), anthromorphized important natural phenomena (the sun, the river Nile), were a patriarchal society (important Gods are construed as male), were present-oriented in their desires (food, water, shelter), believed that human action could in some way shape natural events (sacrifices could prevent floods), and on some level, saw or believed in actual interaction between physical and spiritual phenomena (the offering of sacrifices (physical) to the Nile as a God (spiritual)). Hymn to Ra in particular, emphasizes the impermanent nature of death and a mind-body dichotomy –the spirit (but not the body) could return after death, morality/conscience/wisdom were controlled and instilled from outside, and behavior, as opposed to intent and preceding thought was important. In contrast to the Egyptian sources, the Epic of Gilgamesh in particular appears to place greater emphasis on desires of the spirit, nourishment of the soul, morality, and conscience as opposed to the meeting of physical needs. In this way, it is less primitive than the Egyptian sources and considers more of the higher-level complexities of â€Å"humanness† than either of the Egyptian sources (sex, friendship, betrayal). Rather than praying to avoid death, as the Egyptians do in Ode to the Nile and Hymn to Ra, the Epic of Gilgamesh implies that life is defined and made meaningful by the deadline

Friday, February 7, 2020

Realisms Depiction of International Relations Essay

Realisms Depiction of International Relations - Essay Example Therefore, in entering any agreement with any country, a state is always aware of the likelihood of cheating and the potential comparative gain that might result from the arrangement (Simpson 2001). Due this fear, courtiers must act to safeguard their interest so that in case of partners’ noncompliance with the bilateral or multilateral agreement, the state is not exposed to economic or security risks (Grieco 1999). Such a move should not translate into limiting cooperation with other states, but as a measure that will protect the country from exploitation by its partners. Realism has also developed to accommodate new trends that characterize international relations. Economic globalization has made it a must for cooperation as opposed to isolation of country from outside influence. Industrialized countries have been able to reap a lot of benefit due to this improved cooperation with other states (Jackson & Sorensen 2007). Such cooperation has become apparent especially with co untries like USA, which traditional follows the realist ideology to increase its interaction with others for greater influence and economic gains. Although globalization has made cooperation among countries inevitable, different countries do not trade on the same platform. Some countries benefit more than the other does in any international agreement. Since every country is serving its interest in the agreement, some countries are bound to gain more than the others do, as is mostly the case when developed countries trade with third world countries. Developed countries use their superior economic and technological power to get cheap raw material from developing countries and then sale the processed... This essay stresses that international organization presented by liberal institutionalism cannot stop countries from acting according to the balance of power system, calculating how each of their moves affects their relative position in the in global arena where stiff completion is the order of the day. Realists argue that international institutions cannot provide a muscular and timely response to aggression by power hungry states. A good example of this is the Syrian case where the government has taken part in the bombing of civilian habitats killing many yet the international institutions could not move in to stop the killing. Another key example of failure for liberal institutionalism to depict international relations is the failure of international institutions to act on the threat that North Korea’s accumulation of nuclear energy post to international security. Therefore, countries protect their interests by trusting in their own power and not on an international authorit y This paper makes a conlusion that international relations are guided by the need of states to get the best out of its interactions with other states. To achieve this, states will seek to protect their economic interests and further their influence in the international politics. The failure of international institutions to be tough on aggressive states has increased the need for countries to act in their best interest due to the stiff competition in international politics and economy. Only the established balance of power can dictate how far a state can advance its interests.